I’m confused

So I have a friend and he likes me but, Last night my brother had some friends over, one we are close, I let my brother take my room and sleep but the one friend of his I’m close with was talking to my mom, and the other two my brother and the other friend went to bed. There was no room left so he slept in the living room with me and he slept on the floor. We talked and laughed I’m guessing he was drunk, but we calmed down and started watching YouTube and he asked me to hold his had. He used the excuse that he was scared, we were watching a beauty video, so I did and I feel guilty( 2 different people btw) because the other dude likes me but I think this one does, my brothers friend always looks at me and talks to me and is very nice to me when he’s not so nice to the others. Please help and please don’t judge. Please.