Just a little vent

I used to track ovulation, symptom spot and just be obsessive during the 2ww. This month I decided to stop. I didnt track, I haven't obsessed havent symptom spotted... NOTHING. Actually I was feeling pretty normal up til today when I've had very dull cramps and a horrible back ache but af hasnt arrived when o fully expected her to 😫. I feel like shes just like Haha girl you really thought you wasnt gonna obsess well now you can be late and stress over it 🙄.

There is a possibility I could be pregnant I guess, i just really dont feel like it. I feel no difference in any other month. I've been pregnant only once and i knew 4 days before af was due because my nipples hurt so bad. This would be a totally new experience if i am. Sometimes I hate my body 😭😭😭