Pregnancy eczema or something else?


I just had my son in August 2019 and I am now due with a girl in August 2020. During my last pregnancy around 15-17 weeks I noticed some blotchy red spots on my shoulders and chest area. They weren’t itchy and seemed to come and go some days. I am a nurse and they seemed to appear redder on days where I was pretty active at work and running around getting things done.

Some of the spots never went away on my chest from last pregnancy and now that I am 14 weeks, I came home from a shift today and noticed that SO MANY more spots had popped up! They don’t bother me, and it’s only on my chest and upper back/shoulders. The ones on my chest area are pretty much permanent and don’t go away but my back sometimes has red spots on it and some days it’s clear. I’ve read it may be hormone related but just wondering has ANYONE else had to deal with this or something like this before?

Edit: no changes in hygiene products, detergents, etc.