It’s Valentines Day🥰


I can’t lie I woke up early it’s 10:46 and I’m starting my day with a bottle of Watermelon 🍉 Vodka ❤️. I’m just not having the best morning no matter how much I know I’m loved from multiple relationships in my life. Boyfriend, and Family/friends. My heart is still aching Terribly. I know it still has a lot to due with the passing of my uncle. But I still feel like it’s more. My Bf is a only child and he’s use to being alone and working on holidays but we’re gonna have to have a talk and now you have someone else in your life we’ll have to compromise and you can’t work every holiday I’m all about family no matter how dysfunctional my family is and that we are. We come together and spend time and together. He lives away from family but he has close friends and that he still chooses not to be with instead work. So I just wanna show him differently. Maybe I’ve been without my glasses over a month and I’m different from my family I’m really patient and I try to show them the same respect I expect which isn’t my moms style of parenting but I don’t whoop or yell I’m super easy going and it’s just really hurts my feelings they won’t tell me what happened or where they are