Should I call?

A few months ago I started tracking and tried VITEX. But I realized that VITEX was actually hurting more than helping so I stopped. I feel like it’s messed up my periods partly because now I’m not ovulating on my own and just know my body.

I went to my doctor 3 weeks ago, had blood drawn and then had an ultrasound done the following week. All that came of it was that my Iron and Vitamin D levels were low. At the visit where I had my blood drawn, my doctor told me that he believed I might have had a bit of PCOS and wanted to work on regulating it. When I went to the ultrasound appointment, the nurse basically told me she didn’t think he was right (?) and that I would get a call if he felt there was anything else worth discussing.

As of today, I’ve been on my period for over 8 days after ANOTHER anovulatory cycle. And I’m confused because he said he wanted to help me but never called? I don’t want to be annoying but I know my body and I KNOW something is wrong.

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