Valentine, but no Valentine

This is the 2nd year in a row my boyfriend hasn’t gotten me anything for Valentine’s Day. I don’t want to say anything bc I don’t want him to think I’m wrapped up or anything. I know everyday should be vday but there’s nothing wrong w making your SO feel special on this day. I last year I got him a shirt he really wanted, this year I got him his fav cologne & candy. It just kinda sucks when you see all these guys going out the way for their girls. Honestly since we been together he’s never really done anything spontaneous for me, no cute surprises or planned dates by him nothing. I don’t know it just makes me feel less appreciated bc im so use to that w my ex. I don’t miss my ex but I miss the things he’d do for me. He says he’s just not that type of guy & I guess I understand. I’m still young & that shit excites me & really makes me feel loved. I’m 21 he’s 33