
Hi ladies, my boy is over 8 months and these last days his sleep routine is such a mess🙈🙈🙈Sometimes he takes 3 naps 35 mins each, sometimes he has a two naps, each longer than hour , sometimes he wakes up at 6am , sometimes at 7 am...Its just such a mess. I am trying to get him on some schedule but its imppossible because every day is absolutely different🙈🙈🙈😭

He is teething (just got his first tooth few days ago), I think he is going throught sleep transition where he is deciding between 2 or 3 naps😂 and he possible going through sleep regrression as well as he is not easy to put in his sleep anymore and he fights every nap (tired as f***) but he always fights it.. I am lost honestly and just waiting what next day brings😩😩😩😂Could you please share your baby schedules so I have some lead what to do with my little monster?😭😂