Planned c-section (2nd) anxiety

Jessica • Married 💑 9/14/13. Son born 🧒 3/30/17. Molar pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6/2018. Expecting a girl 👧 4/30/20!

With my first pregnancy 3 years ago, I ended up with a c-section after 36 hours of labor (pushing 2 hours) and baby not budging (he was huge). This time around I have a placenta previa (placenta covering cervix) meaning when I dilate it could pull away from the uterus and cause me to bleed heavily, so we’re planning on a c-section at 39w1d (April 30th). I’ve been very excited and relieved to know the date this time - something I can plan on and know exactly when she’ll be here (family out of state, toddler, work, etc.), but as the date approaches my anxiety is increasing. The first time I was well medicated, exhausted, and just ready to meet him, so I didn’t have the same fears, but this time the thought of going into the hospital for a major surgery without the buildup is giving me racing thoughts and crazy fears. I hate knives, I hate the pulling and pushing involved in a c-section and the searing pain afterwards as well as the shakes (only brief, but I know they’re there so I’m fixated on them). I dunno. I guess I’m hoping someone has words of support or encouragement about the process or even tips to control the anxiety. I’m hoping the intake medical staff can give me some type of anxiety med if I’m feeling really nervous on the day of. Sigh. Woosah.