2/16 daily riff-raff


How are we all doing this Sunday, ladies?

I’ve been a little MIA this week due to a work trip. Took Unisom on the flight back on Friday, and it made me not only sleepy during the daytime flight, it also made me sleep for about 14 hours after I landed! Which I didn’t really mind bc I probably needed the catch up sleep anyways 😂

Today is 12 weeks exactly for me 🎉 still feels fairly surreal. No major symptoms.....and when I mention the lack of symptoms to my husband he goes, “but that IS a symptom! Not feeling pregnant and then feeling sad about it is a clear sign of pregnancy!” 😂❤️

The US last Tues went fine, and now the NT scan is planned for 2/28. Also doing some blood work this week. If the results from all of that are good, then we’ll announce in March sometime I think.

That’s my update. How are YOOUUU all doing?