TTC after miscarriage at 27



July 2019: found out I was pregnant. Measured at 5w2d

August’s 2019: I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Measured at 6w or so. I went through the D&C

September 2019: I bleed for 2 straight weeks

October 2019: got a regular period that lasted a week.

November 2019: got another period.

December 2019: missed my period and got a positive OPK test. Baby danced ALOT! 😂

January 2020: didn’t make the cut because I got my period again.

February 2020: taken many OPKs and I think I got a positive OPK on cd 29 but after that kept testing. It looked lighter one point then gets a little darker. I’m confused what my body is telling me.

Is this infertility?