Ugh naps

So my daughter has never been a good napper. She wakes around 7-7:30 I'll put her down for a nap around 10-10:30 usually 3-3.5 hours after she wakes up and we will get maybe a 40-45 minute nap out of her and for her second nap it's impossible to get her to sleep. Most days I end up just taking a ride because it's the only way to get her to actually nap so I do that around 3:30 and don't let her sleep past 4:30 so it doesn't screw up bed time. I'm so sick of having to literally leave the house just to get her to take a nap. What should I do? Let her skip the second nap? Then if I do that what time do I put her to bed? She usually sleeps around 8:30. I'm literally at a loss. Today she woke from.her nap at 12:30 and it's 4:10 and she still won't sleep. I just don't want her bedtime to get all jacked up because she finally started sleeping in her crib through the night.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!