11 month old always sick!


I need some help/guidance! My 11 month old is always sick with colds. I think from age 2 months until now she’s had back to back colds. She’s otherwise normal except for a couple times she got really sick..one with a bad cold and one with an ear infection. She eats, sleeps like a dream, plays, talks etc. I just feel so bad for her always coughing and having a runny nose.

She started an in home day care at 4 months and then we moved when she was 6 months and she’s been at a daycare facility so I know everyone says it’s normal. I have to ask to my own sanity and see if there’s ANYTHING I can do? We do have a dog so don’t know if that has something to do with it. Outside of the normal stuff (elevation, saline, humidifier etc) is there anything people have seen work? Also I’ve taken her to the doctor a few different times and they always just say “oh yea totally normal for a daycare kid.” Thanks everyone!