I'm slightly hurt but I'm just over it


I just need to vent. I haven't always had a good relationship with my mother sadly. She use to abuse me physically and verbal. After years away from her I figured I'd try and slowly let her come around and see how things go, tobe honest even thought I'm 26 I still want my parents. I've been hurt by my two brothers due to their addiction and my sister because she's living with a level 3 sex offender and I was concerned about my three year old niece so I spoke to my doctor and he made a phone call to the state for my nieces safety. Well anyways she took me to court trying to get a restraining order on me but the judge denied it because I didn't do anything. As that was going on my mom got in the middle and took my sisters side and I knew that's what was going to happen, as she always favored my sister cause she has a kid.. well my sister used my mom for money which always happens cause my sister things she can use anyone. So after that and her stealing my moms boots she was out of the picture. So I slowly started talking to my mom again and for a while I was going over to see her and my step dad. I haven't seen them in Almost 2 months cause for a bit he was sick and then everytime I made plans with my mom she would always have a reason oh I'm tired , I'm not sleeping at night oh I'm sick... so Saturday she planned to see me today and we were gunna go to the movies and just hangout. But then she got home from work last night saying her and my step dad aren't getting along so we have to cancel again. I'm feeling pretty hurt. I just did her taxes for her and my bf fixed her tablet that she couldn't get on to. I'm tired of being ditched. I feel like my mom and my actually dad only come around when they want something.. I just don't know what to do I want to be in relationship with my parents but I'm also tired of being ditched and feeling used.. any advice on what to do ? 😞