Grocery shopping with kids !

I just want to know how other families do it. We have three young kids and most of the times it’s either me or my husband and our oldest (4) and most of the times that works great but with my husband’s new schedule we are able to go all together. Logistically how could we do it?

1) Our youngest is six months old and hates being carried other than in her car seat, which is bulky and takes a lot of room in the cart.

2) Our middle kid is 2 and hates to sit in the cart most of the times but does well walking along us unless his sister is in the cart, he wants to be close to her.

Our store has different options for carts inluding one of these

But there’s no room for 1) the food if we do a big grocery 2) the infant car seat

Should we just keep doing what we did before? This is stressing me out. How do you do it?