Another update ❤️

Imani • Army Wife and Mom to 3 girls and a baby boy on the way May 2020!

So today we went in for our 28 week check up. Well even with the medication adjustments my BP is still too high. So my doctor went ahead and set a tentative induction date of 3/28 which will put me at 34 weeks exactly. I asked for 4/5 because I’m silly and really love numbers and since we are in 2020 I thought it would be cool to have 4/5/20 as a DOB LOL! I’m extremely nervous adding a new and unplanned addition to our already extremely busy life. We are trying to make sure we have everything before he arrives. We aren’t having a baby shower because we chose to keep this pregnancy between us in order to lessen the level of stress that outside people tend to bring. Our 3rd little girl was seriously suppose to the last so we got rid of EVERYTHING after she was done with it about 2 months before I got pregnant lol. (Isn’t that how it always works) so we pretty much had to start from scratch 😫😫 for those who are sending well wishes and following thank you ❤️❤️❤️