Sleep regression?


Recently my sons naps have been getting worse and worse. He used to take two 1 hour and 15 min naps/day (sometimes longer) but for the past week or so he wakes up after 30 mins of napping. Most of the time he’ll go back to sleep but I have to go in and rock him which I never had to do before. If he makes it past 30 mins he’ll wake up at about the 45 minute mark and not go back to sleep. He also used to sleep through the night and for the past 3 nights he’s been waking up screaming around 11:30 (he goes to bed at 7). Luckily it’s usually only one wake up at night but I can’t tell if something is bothering him or of this is just a sleep regression. He’s also an early riser so the short naps are starting to take a toll 😭 Anyone else going through something similar?