Anyone else getting sleep?


About a month ago she started not sleeping through the night. We’ve had a huge regression and he sleep is all over the place.

She used to have a pretty good routine based on wake time and now she fighting naps then only sleeping for 20-30 mins and only taking 2-3 of them a day. Her bedtime is about 7 and she fights that then wakes about 30-45 mins later wanting to sit up for like an hour and she’s back to waking up multiple times a night crying and taking a a full 5oz bottle then up at 7am.

It’s currently 3:30am and she’s already went down at 7 up 30 mins later back down up at 11 then about 2 now again.

She gets 3 meals of purées/ solids a day plus about 30oz of formula and she playing and working on crawling and standing ...idk what’s up