Weekend life 🌺

I am 23 years old and have had fair shares of hang overs. My hang overs usually goes by a pounding headache and a bit queasy, but last Saturday I got a bit wild and drunk half of a big bottle of vodka ( mostly all of it) and I didn’t feel too drunk tbh , but I ended up getting pretty much sober by 3 am and yet I started to get my hang over 🤷🏻‍♀️ I took a hour nap and woke up puking my guts out!? I couldn’t keep anything down for a full 24 hour period, seriously if I drunk a bottle water within seconds, 5 minutes later the whole bottle came up.

Why did this happen? This was very first time my hang over was like this , and I didn’t feel like I drunk more than usual. If I do throw up from alcohol it’s usually only about 3 times , but this time I threw up the entire day and couldn’t even keep down water. Definitely going to be sticking to wine from now on!