Anyone on blood thinner can you share your experience?

So it’s our first month ttc and I am so scared of the whole process. About a year ago I found out I had a blood clot. My husband and I were sent to a plethora of doctors. In doing so, I was told that when I do become pregnant I will have to inject myself with blood thinners daily. I also will not be able to deliver naturally, everything must be planned due to the blood thinners. Needless to say, It scares me shitless. Anyway I guess I’m just looking for someone else here who can share their experience with blood thinners and their pregnancy.

Also, af is expected in a week. The last four mornings I’ve had cramping and just developed a yeast infection (which I NEVER get unless on medication, which I’m not). We haven’t done anything different really so not sure where this came from. Could this be a sign? Should I go straight to a doctor in a week or so if my period doesn’t come? .... anyone on blood thinners how soon do you have to go to the doctor?