So depressed need help!

This journey has been so depressing for me. Mh doctor keeps telling me i am young and i shouldnt think too much about pregrancy because it affects something with ovulation idk. I got married oct 2017 we never really tried to get pregnant but just had sex whenever with no protection. I always knew i had endometriosis so sep of 2019 finally a doctor diagnosed me and i had lapo done. My endo was severe it was literally everywhere. Now its feb 2020 and i feel like i have pcos. I have had symptoms for so long and im sure of it. My doctor said i have it but its mild and tomorrow i have an appointment after we did a blood test to check things out. Apparently my lh hormone is a little high not sure if thats bad idk im confused at this point. I just found out a family member that has been married for a month is already pregnant and my sil got pregnant within a month of being married. I just want to cry myself to sleep. It hurts knowing its so hard for me to get pregnant and im just praying to god for a miracle at this point. I had both endo and pcos and im just sure what the hell to do