Moving my 2 & 4 year old into the same room


My 2 oldest will have to share rooms as baby will take on my 2 year olds room at some point..... considering baby will be in our room at least 3 months like I did with both my boys, we will have time after May to work on it.. my 4 year old was moved from crib to toddler bed at 3 and was perfect till 3 months ago when we got him a big boy bed... now he jacks around a good 20-45 mins before going to sleep in his room........ my 2 year old is in a crib yet and he doesn’t pass out right away like his brother did at that age, but he does lay there nicely till he falls asleep. Last few days he has shown some interest is leaning over his rails, like he is realizing he could step right out....ugh. I am so nervous for the transition to 1 room. Will it be hell???? Should I make the change in April before baby comes so we don’t have to worry about transitioning baby to crib at the same time we are putting 2 boys in 1 room??? I feel I’m more stressed about this than the new arrival!!!! Both my boys now sleep like rocks allllllll night long so I really don’t want to mess that up!