Ella came early

Ella came early!!  Went in for my check up on Monday February 17th and had a high blood pressure so they did blood work and sent me home. The next day they called and said everything was good just to watch my blood pressure but it didn’t go down, staying at 150’s/100’s. My final blood pressure(before giving birth) was 191/115. So they sent me to Labor and Delivery. I have had two other kiddos both natural births and baby was head down the day before at our regular appointment. Anyway the dr told me we were going to deliver baby that day so we would induce because pressures were to high. When they did the ultrasound she was breech so instead I got to go in for a c-section. I got to the hospital around 630 and had a baby at 947. I’m so blessed she is healthy and everything went great. Praise God.