Why is it so important to some people for OTHER people to want kids


I was just called selfish for not wanting to have kids? At 23?

how though. If you’re one of those people who agree with that please explain.

I definitely don’t want kids right now. I don’t have the time nor do I have the money and if I chose to get pregnant right now I would be struggling not only financially but mentally. Kids are a 24/7 JOB, you don’t get breaks and you are entirely responsible for feeding and caring for a human being better than you do for yourself. I want my kids to have a good life. I don’t want them to go without food and basic essentials because I can’t afford it, I wanna start trying at 29-30, which by then I should be way more stable in my career. If I chose not to, who cares? There’s billions of people on this earth so why does it concern you if I dont make more?

Choosing to be a parent is a massive choice. It is life altering.

Jesus Christ this is just something I don’t understand at all. Why do people push children SO HARD onto others?