Is an ice cream cone too expensive?

I remember a few years ago I watched a show about a young girl who was in love with a guy that was poor, her family was super rich, and the mom didn’t agree with this relationship so when the young lady move out to be with him, his mom said something that at first glance could sound simple and meaningless... she said something about how they were gonna be so broke that she was not gonna be able to afford to buy an ice cream cone whenever she wanted some...

At the time I watched this I was still living at home, medium class family, not rich but I had it all including good education, trips, always a roof over my head, food in the fridge, restaurants... anything I need it...

I met this guy from another country and we had a LDR and then I got pregnant and move to be with him, he is no rich and he wasn’t when we met, he had been trough a horrible accident with cooking oil so he spent months recovering loosing it all... his family specifically his parents are no good, so they can’t support him financially or any other way... but I had always believed that when you want something or have a kid you give you all to provide for it... I’m just realizing now that he does enough to the point where we can’t even afford to buy ice cream... the fridge is empty, we have dinner stuff for tonight but not for tomorrow... I can’t get a job cause he didn’t help me to get my legal situation fixed, and I regret not pushing him for it, or going back when I could, when I didn’t have to fight custody...

He didn’t work enough hours so all his pay check went to rent and nothing else, he won’t get a better paying job,

Some people say that the sky is the limit, for him is his fucking mind...

I’m always stressing out about money, every month almost every week I ask my parents for some, but I tell them that is for personal things like for myself instead of that I’m using that money to get a little bit of food, my body can’t take it anymore, my teeth are falling, my sling breaking out, my nails breaking, my hair is falling, my insomnia worst than ever...