Sickness Anxiety


I’m just looking for some guidance of any kind. I’ve always had anxiety throughout my life about everything and I have now have two toddlers. I have always thought myself as lucky to not have had to deal with the flu or throwing up with them at all. Well this years flu has hit our house FOUR times. Both girls get it back to back and I’ve sanitized my house I feel like a dozen times. Now if you know me, I’ve always hated vomit. I mean who really likes it right? But I mean it terrifies me. Like worse than my fear of spiders. I will sit there and ball my eyes out in terror and have panic attacks making myself sick not knowing how to compose myself. I know this is what I signed up for as a parent and I’ll always do what I need to do for my kids. But at this point, I don’t know if I’m alone in feeling this and idk what to do. I find myself having freak outs throughout the day in fear my child is about to throw up. I’ll wake my husband up at night thinking I’m hearing them cry because they’re sick. I literally cry daily about this. I’ve thought about getting on anxiety medication but idk if I can since I am now pregnant again.

Thanks to all who have read this far. I feel like I needed put this out there and see if anyone has ideas or some insight on how I can calm down in these situations.