My toddler annoys me *confession*

I've been a stay at home for 3 years now and I'm beginning to really hate it. I'm constantly seeing people talk about how easy stay at homes mom have it and that's far from the case. Also those people are fucking idiots. Anyway. My 3 year old is driving me crazy. I lock myself in my room or bathroom at least once a day because his constant tantrums, whining, screaming and or crying is too much to be around. I also have a 6 month old and I have my hands pretty full trying to care for both. My s.o works full time and when he gets home he gives me at least 2 hours of down time but that's not everyday. My toddler is constantly hitting the baby and I find myself yelling at least 90% of the day. Today I felt like making breakfast and sitting at the table with both boys to eat. Well, that was a terrible idea. It ended up with my toddler throwing a fit because he wanted me to stop feeding myself and my 6 month old to carry him at the table. I continued to feed my son while he screamed into my ear. My s.o saw my face before he left to work and asked what was wrong. I started bawling. I told him I can't handle him anymore and I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel the stress is making me physically sick. I just feel like I'm failing because I can't control my son. I cry almost everyday now. I can't work because child care is so ridiculously expensive and I don't trust day care workers with all the horror stories I read. I do hope to go back to work at least part time in another 6 months. Being a stay at home is draining and emotionally exhausting. I don't know if he's just in a terrible phase or it's something else is wrong. I keep waiting for this awful behavior to stop. I feel like I need help and I can't do it alone anymore. All I hear from my mom is "think about having more kids before you do". Like that helps in any kind of way. I just feel awful feeling like I can't stand being around my own child. Please tell me I'm not alone.

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Everyone's idea of "hard" is different. If it's hard to you, nobody can discount your pain because they have it worse or differently than you. I think that it's time for you to look into alternatives to being a sahm at least temporarily to give you a break.


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I’m sorry. I don’t have any ideas or solutions that can help but just wanted to affirm that you are not alone or crazy or weak or selfish. I know tons of women, myself included, who have very challenging high pressure jobs, but every one of us knows that it’s nothing compared to what many SAHMs experience and that we are better moms precisely because we are able to work outside the home. And thanks to my husband’s 16 week paternity leave, he gets it too, firsthand. I hope things get easier for you soon and glad your husband is trying to provide some respite where he can.


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I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’m going through that with my 11 year old who has the tantrums and makes me want to cry and I get so down because she makes everything about her and is always yelling at my husband and I over anything and everything. She was good as a toddler though but once she hit 7 her temper started to emerge (her bio dad and grandma have bad tempers) and now that she’s hitting puberty it’s out of control and she punches things and I’m afraid she will punch me one day.


Tes • Feb 23, 2020
Your kid needs therapy before she hurts someone.


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Sounds like your burned out. Burn out can actually lead you to do some very serious things. I would talk to your husband for a bit and see if he could take over for a weekend


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So I felt like this as a sahm of 5 kids, I actually went on Amazon and got the love and logic cds... lifesaver! I enjoy my kids now and they respect me too.


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I am so sorry you’re feeling so defeated. I know having good mom friends is always helpful! I would get together more with moms who are open & honest and can empathize with you. Praying you find peace and don’t feel so anxious anymore💕


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do you have any family that can help you take care of your children? i’m so sorry to hear your story, it sounds rather stressful and draining. hopefully once you go to work and your toddler gets older things will settle down. i hope for you all the best. 💖