Irregular Periods & Ovulation

The last time I had a natural period was Aug 2019. I also had a false positive pregmate HCG test last year. I’ve had random “spotting” (more than spotting in my opinion) in between.

This month I’m pretty sure I ovulated between the 14th and 16th. I had mild pain in one ovary which prompted me to take an OPK. I don’t test consistently because I know OPKs aren’t super reliable for women with PCOS but it was the strongest positive OPK I’d ever seen.

I also experienced an significant increase in sex drive and really sensitive nipples.

Im about 10dpo and I’m currently experiencing very light on and off cramping.

Pretty sure I’m going to get my period but PCOS makes learning my body really difficult. Anyone else with extremely irregular periods feel this what makes my body decide when it wants to have a period and when it doesn’t 😅