Help please :(

It’s my first time on birth control pills.

I’m using low dose combination birth control pills.

I started to take them 3 days after my period ended. I started on Feb 3.

I followed the pamphlet to wait 7 days before having unprotected sex.

I had sex on Feb 12. Still with a condom but I’m worried because when we changed positions I saw that the condom was wet inside so we changed it. We changed condoms 3 times just to be sure. But I’m still scared that some precum leaked. I know it says on the pamphlet that it’s okay to have unprotected sex aftee 7 days of using it but still my anxiety is kicking in. Should I be worried?

Today is my 3rd day on the placebo pills but I still have no bleeding. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Could I have gotten pregnant? Thoughts? Please help I’m very paranoid 🥺

What will happen if I don’t bleed during my placebo week? I have 4 days left and on March 2 I’ll be starting another pack. What should I do?