Green revolution?


Good morning CC! I work in the sustainable development field and recently started a new job in particular, working with NGOs, politicians, and citizens on how to make our city more « green ». And it got me thinking of 3 questions

1. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the environment?

2. What do you think will jumpstart (or has jumpstarted for some) the ecological transition: citizens, governments, businesses? Another group? Or a mix of all?

3. I think most people in my field, no matter their expertise (journalists, climate scientists, economists) have conceded that we can’t go on living, consuming, and producing like we are. So what do YOU think the transition will look like? How do you think your life may change?

I’m more optimistic than pessimistic because I see so many NGOs, farmers, journalists, ordinary people getting involved and doing great things!

I think the citizens will make things move faster. Many businesses and governments are clinging to their old ways and will be difficult to change from bureaucracy alone in my opinion.

Transition will be a bit of a learning curve—making things for ourselves more, learning to change how we consume and produce things. But I also think there will be more solidarity! We have shared gardens in our city now, community composting, groups of farmers and buyers who put forth local/organic products. I just see a lot of different kinds of people working together so I guess my view of transition is utopic but not so far from what I see through my job.

Bonus question: are there any things you’ve « changed » in your life for environmental reasons? I’m curious both for my job and personal curiosity!

PS: half the time I’m reading and talking about this stuff in French so ignore any strange phrasing 😅