
I've been TTC for 14 months now and had two MC in that time.

I keep seeing friends and family fall pregnant. I'm mostly happy for them, but today I found out that my friend who's a year younger than me (she's 24) and who already has 5 kids (including one set of twins) from her ex, now got pregnant from her new boyfriend "by accident". 😩

I'm happy that she's happy about it and that everything seems to be fine with the pregnancy and all..but I'm so jealous as well. I've been in the crappiest mood since finding out today and I just want to hide in bed and cry all day. But that's not gonna get me pregnant either 😆🤦🏻‍♀️😭

Am I alone with these feelings?

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Big families are great! But if it makes you feel better - I would be for sure crying if I accidentally got pregnant with my sixth child!!!! Lots of work having multiple kids.... it will happen for you if you can let go of “it”... I understand if you can’t. Took me a long time to let go. Once I did I ended up pregnant. I just trusted that it would happen and it has to and it did. I felt calm the whole time. You have to be happy where you are before you can get to the next journey. Stay positive, love yourself and focus on taking care of you ❤️


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I feel you. Every time I see someone post a picture of their baby or see a baby or a pregnant woman in public my mind instantly goes to “why her and not me?” Especially when it’s someone I know who got pregnant by accident and/or is a super irresponsible person.I know it’s a super unhealthy and unproductive way to think, and I do my best to stop having those thoughts, but can’t help when they just pop in your head :( it sucks and it’s totally normal, I think.