Exercise during the first trimester?

Kristen • Jasmine 💕 30.10.20 👶🏻🌎♥️

I have been quite active before getting pregnant and workout 3/4 times a week.

I do a mix of strength workouts, cardio and high intensity intervals.

I’ve seen so much conflicting information about exercise during the first trimester, some say you can carry on as before and some say to avoid high intensity exercise.

I briefly spoke to a midwife (not mine) and she said no abdominal exercises as increases miscarriages. No heavy lifting no intense workouts.

I really don’t know what to do?? I want to carry on exercising as much as I can to stay fit and healthy and not get too big during pregnancy but not sure what I can do?

The doctor wasn’t helpful either

Any help or advice please? ❤️