I need a rant!!!

Pleaseeeeeeee tell me if I’m overreacting but I’m absolutely raging! Every day I try & keep the house clean whilst looking after my almost 10 week old baby (who is a clingy bubba might I add - totally don’t mind, love her snuggles!) trying to feed her, myself, drink enough water, play time, tummy time, change her, sterilise bottles, wash the pots, do the washing, tidy up, clean, cook tea for when the mr gets home... IF he doesn’t finish late.

When I was pregnant my partner told me that he’d no longer be finishing late once bub was born, I think there’s been 2 maybe 3 times where he’s finished on time?? So an hour & half after he’s meant to have finished he’s finally walking through the door. THEN he continues to work from home FOR FREE! Then he’ll sit on his phone playing games, if I need a shower or even a fricken number 2 (sorry if TMI) & I ask him to keep an eye on the baby I get told to ‘hurry up’ 🤯🤯🤯 he gets annoyed at her if she’s fussy for 10 minutes as if he’s been trying to soothe her for 10 hours but better yet he could be holding her while I do something and I’ll walk in to her smiling away at herself whilst he’s sat on his phone ignoring her! She has literally just been screaming for an hour and a half - I tried snuggling her in bed to comfort her but she wasn’t having any of it (and this was just at the start of the screaming might I add) and he ragged the quilt off of himself and sat up as if he was furious that there was something wrong with her & started getting annoyed at the fact she couldn’t settle, huffing and puffing and fidgeting etc! But yet he still manages to fall asleep during all of this, leaving me to try & calm her on my own whilst she’s screaming louder than I’ve ever witnessed & he’s SNORING!!!! I literally wanted to kick him in the face so fricken hard!!!! I have no doubt that he loves her, none at all but seriously does he really think I don’t want 10 minutes to myself? Can I not shower & wash & dry my hair & maybe pluck my eyebrows without being told to hurry up yet he can still live his life like before she was born! Honestly like I know people say that things change when you have a baby but I feel like a single parent most of the time! I go away for the night in a few months & I’ve got such awful anxiety about him being on his own with her 😫 like how often will he get annoyed if he can’t settle her within 2 seconds? How will he cope not being able to sit on his phone 24/7 like usual? Will he get annoyed with her for that? How is he gonna cope with the night feeds? Cause he’s done NONE since she was born! He goes down and makes the bottles but goes back to sleep while I, once again, stay awake & feed her on my own. I will admit he does let me have a lay in once a week on one of his days off and he’s great worth her but she’s a super happy chilled baby in a morning.. and night time she’s a colicky grumpy bum! I feel so guilty for feeling like this, guilty for not feeling like I can bring this up to him and guilty that I have such anxiety about leaving her with him 😫 I dunno what to do!