Running and TTC

IUD is out and we are officially TTC baby number 2.

My son was a surprise. I got pregnant while using the nuva ring and wasn’t as physically fit as I am now and so this is all new to me.

I run 3-4 times a week ranging from 4-8 miles each time. Should I cut back? I also lift 3 days a week pretty heavy for my size. It’s our first time actually trying and I’ve had the IUD in for 3 years so I don’t know what’s ok or not. I for sure would love to run and lift throughout being pregnant so I’m trying to stay as physically active as possible while trying. My last pregnant I was a couch potato and I was miserable. Running is my peace and if helps me let go of stress. But....

What is safe for the TTC time? Could I over do it at all? What should my limits be?