Any knitters out here?! 🤩


Hi yall! I've recently gotten back into knitting after many years and I'm full force determined to get better at it! I want to learn patterns and styles! Right now all I know are basic patterns like K1P1- lol I'm trying with all my might to get the fishermans rib stitch down and I have not been able to understand it yet 🤯🥺 its soooooo beautiful! Someone explain it to me PLEASE!!

I'm having trouble with keeping a consistent tension knitting continental with straight needles the only way I keep my knitting looking clean is when I'm knitting in the round. I love knitting hats right now and blankets. But I would love to learn more things.

Drop your projects and things you've knitted, I want to marvel in it 🤩🤩🤩🤩

I'm a total beginner and would love and appreciate tips and tricks!!

Heres a piece of my work. Again I'm a total beginner.

Also I want to see your work!! 🖤🖤🖤

These are crocheted pieces. Only because at the moment I cant knit anything that will turn out this good! But I'm determined! What's the trick? To just keep knitting and knitting?