Opinions please

Where do I start... Okay so January my period was all over the place I had af three different times. The last period went into February only the 1st and 2nd then the rest of the month no period. Last Saturday I had to leave work early because I felt dizzy, sick and felt off I ended up taking almost the whole week off because I still felt like this so I finally went to my doctor on Thursday thinking maybe its my anxiety and to get a work note she said she wanted to run some tests and do a pregnancy test as well. I never went to get the blood work done just because I was hoping it would go away on my own and I hate needles lol. She did give me another lab slip to go in 2 weeks if the test was negative. Fast forward I know I ovulated late I honestly think I did twice I know a lot of people are going to say you can't ovulate twice anyways af was supposed to arrive Monday February 24th and never did so I'm officially 8-9 days late. I don't know if my period is late because January was all messed up or what but I'm super confused. My period has never been this late only has been late by 7 days the max. I don't think im pregnant only because the only time I bd was January 1st and February 25th (6 days after I ovulated). Any opinions or advice would be appreciated thanks.