General TTC Help: pregnancy symptoms


**note: if I posted in the wrong group, please direct me to the right one**

I thought it would be good to make you all a list of what my pregnancy symptoms were day by day before I got my BFP. Now keep in mind, I wasnt symptom spotting this time around, but I've noticed them more since I found out I was pregnant.

I thought this would be helpful for you all who are trying and might want to know what symptoms you could get leading up to your BFP.

I know everyone's body is different, and we can all get different or similar symptoms, so just keep in mind that whatever symptoms I have, you may not get :)

1-6dpo - zilch, nothing, nada

7dpo - pms style cramping (I genuinely thought my period was coming)

8dpo - cramping, pinching, back pain, extreme fatigue kicks in

9dpo - same as above, but now including achy legs and arms

10dpo - got a faint positive (first response) - everything above rolled into one, new symptoms: a tightness in my abdomen, as well as a stretching sensation and small back and side twinges, mild nausea, and slightly tingly nipples

11dpo - BFP (all clearblue! Inc digital) - basically everything listed, new symptoms: aversion to coffee, fizzy drinks, and tuna (they just taste way too weird and make me feel sick). Feel like I dont want to eat anything, but feel hungry all the time at the same time.

From 12dpo onwards I've just noticed the same feelings getting stronger.

Also note, depending on your body, some pregnancy tests may not detect things until later on, like after your missed period, but some may get early positives too! (Like me, I was so shocked that clearblue even detected it at 11dpo)

Hope this helps you all out 😘😘😘 good luck to you all and I know you'll get your BFP soon!