I'm a Jehovah Witness ask me Questions.


Puting this up here takes a lot I ask to be meet with understand and not judgement. I'm doing this to answer questions iv seen ask in some recent post and question you might just want to ask.So to be clear I'm a PIMO Physically in mental Out. Not Disfellowship. But Mentally Out. I attend meetings periodical and event such as convention and the memorial. Why because I'm thrid generation from a large family. Parents siblings on both sides are JW. Frist and second cousins are. My spouse family are. Denouncing faith means Disfellowship. That means I cant have any communication with those I know my whole life and family. It easier for me mental and emotionally to be a PIMO. I'm able have everyday normal interaction with my family and friends. If you ask why I would want to have a relationship with someone that would turn on me if I left its because I know it has nothing to do with me. It's what we are taught. It is engrained. Iv done it. It is complicated. I'm still figuring the emotional side out. But as for there beliefs I have 30 years so maybe I can explain.