Friends ignored my (fairly important) text, should I be mad?

So about a month ago, I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. I told my 3 best friends but didn’t explain why because it was personal. I stayed with them all weekend after it happened and they were super caring and supportive. Afterwards they were constantly texting to check up on me. Then about a week later, my bf and I had a long talk and decided to get back together. I texted all 3 of them together in our group chat to tell them, and for several days not a single one of them responded. One friend (H) finally messaged me privately responding to it. I told her I was upset that nobody responded. I don’t expect them to be all happy for me or anything, but they could at least acknowledge the message..H told me that I shouldn’t make a big deal out of it. The other two friends (C and J) still haven’t said a single word to me since. C is my closest friend who I normally talk to at least 2-3 times a week. I’m still upset with C since we normally talk pretty frequently. J doesn’t usually talk/text very much so it’s normal to not hear from her for awhile.

Do you think it’s wrong for me to be upset with C? What should I do? It has been about 3 weeks with no response or contact from her.