Hyperemesis gravidarum will not beat you!

I'm now 26weeks. Weeks 5-22ish I was sick all day everyday (at least 6 times a day) I have had a lot of time off work and been very lucky that my manager is so understanding.

Since week 22 its eased, I feel rough on and off but actually only been sick a handful of times.

I'm consider myself on if the lucky ones I haven't had to deal with this up until the birth.

The doctors have very little understanding, I dont see the same GP everytime I go to the doctors so that didn't help. The first doctors knowledge was pretty limited to Kate Middleton but diagnosed early..... anisickness tablets I could keep down!

The second seen at 13 weeks told me 'morning sickness normally stops at 12weeks' I broke down (not for the first time in the doctors) and had to explain this IS NOT morning sickness! You may expect this from someone in the office or at the pub but not a medical professional!

At the time I was so ashamed with how I felt and was dealing with it, we tried for 2years to conceive and lost 2 before this pregnancy there was times when I didn't think I could carry on..... terminating did cross my mind😢

You can do this!

It will be worth it!

Dont feel ashamed!

Dont take no for an answer!

Find help!

Talk to someone early!

Dont suffer in silence!