Is it normal to get into fights with your boyfriend? When he gets mad Iā€™ll leave to go to another room so nothing blows up and he takes my phone and leaves. He says he can take whatever he wants because he bought it. Well he replaced it because heā€™s broken my previous phones. When he gets so angry sometimes heā€™ll call me a failure, ghetto ( bc apparently I come from the ā€œhoodā€) my mother is white and my dad is black and I donā€™t act any type of anything except for being myself. Heā€™ll get angry and ignore when Iā€™m talking to him about something. He cuts me off if I bring up something that hurt me in the past. We once took a ā€œbreakā€ and I moved back home but we still met up, hung out, and were technically dating just not living together. During that time he was talking to another female and I didnā€™t know at the time. Fast forward to my bday. We had sex and later that night I decided to check his phone randomly. Literally. I knew his password but we donā€™t check each otherā€™s phone. Well I seen him slide up on a pic of hers on Snapchat. She was in a bikini and basically naked. Iā€™ve had her in class before in high school and she knew that we were dating back then and now. She texted him anyways. I messaged her and she never replied. He gets angry every time I bring it up and will literally make sounds to ignore me , like sing or make noises . Itā€™s childish. He doesnā€™t care about how I felt or acknowledge that he was wrong (in my opinion) I felt as if he cheated on me. I told him this and he laughed saying itā€™s not cheating. Well Iā€™ve tried to move on since then but fast forward year or so I go on his phone for the second time and find him searching up females. I didnā€™t make such a huge deal since he explained one of the searches but he used to like the girl back then but I didnā€™t want to argue. During the first week of dating he snatched my phone out my hand and ran back to the car. (We were at the park) he went through my phone and found old messages between friends and guy I previously talked to. I didnā€™t have anything to hide but it was disgusting that he would get angry and act like that. He called me all sorts of names. But as always I tried to move past it. Well heā€™s never told me not even one girl heā€™s ever talked to or anything. He erased every message heā€™s had with anyone so I couldnā€™t know to even ask. Well itā€™s been 2 years since then and things have been good besides 4 major incidents. I just have a really hard time getting past it or for him to grow up and act like a man and talk with me. A lot of times heā€™s sweet and willing to do whatever and make solutions, he supports me, helps me with a lot and says he loves me but then thereā€™s times like these above ^^ that make me think otherwise. I told him to talk anger management before we got back together once and he agreed and when we got together he never followed through. I didnā€™t think to much to it but he really does have a problem to the point he somewhat intimidates me sometimes. I told him this and he laughed and told me never to worry and that heā€™ll never harm me but idk if itā€™s the ptsd from me being mentally abused as a child that makes me anxious or what. Some things are just hard to comprehend for me. Iā€™ve been through a lot and hes also been there for me but at the same time our arguments are petty or really blown out of proportion to where Iā€™m scared . My family has a long line of anxiety as depression and sadly I have it too, it just makes everything 10x worse. My question is , am I overwhelmed and just exaggerating or has someone else experienced this before. Iā€™m just lost.