I will be 34 weeks in a couple days. 3 days ago I started having this rash all over my stretch marks then it progressed to my arms, armpits front and back part of my legs, sides of my belly and groin area. I thought it was an allergic reaction from my belly butter but it has gotten worse even when I stopped using it. Called my doctor and they said it is called PUPPP or Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy and that it is normal. Based on what I read, it is common for first time moms especially if they are carrying a boy. They recommended hydrocortisone cream and benadryl but both can only relieve me for about 4-6 hrs and it hits and I get severe hives again. Anyone experienced this? If yes, what helped you? I am struggling.

Ps... they don't go away until the baby is born. 😰😰😰😰