Longer Luteal Phase


Has anyone’s cycle suddenly got longer when TTC? I was more 28-30 days and 14 day LP all of the sudden last month it was 32 days and 16 days LP and it looks like this cycle is shaping up the same.

I’m 15DPO CD29 today and a negative of the first response dip and read - not sure how accurate those tests are and I think they might only be Aussie I couldn’t see them on the first response American site... but we only managed to BD once on my peak day this cycle as DH had well-timed gastro for 4 days right on my fertile period 😑 so I think I’m out anyway. I know it “only takes one time” but I’m 34 this year and last time I was pregnant straight away (almost 3 years ago) this time this is the third cycle. Everything has been timed with OPKs and BBT so I dunno am I just getting old and less fertile?

I had a long break of no cycles with pregnancy and breastfeeding AF didn’t return until 22months post partum