How many more wks of hell pp

Wk 4 tmrw.

Can’t stop vomiting our both ends. Doc says it’s normal.

Cramps from hell.

Fever on and off. Cold and hot sweats. Wake up soaked every morning and night.

Mood is all over the place.

Body fatigued and needing to nape and never feeling caught up on sleep ever.

Too stressed to make as much milk as before.

Yes I have ppd and pp sever GAD and pp sever panic attacks.

Stress head aches are annoying.

Hate food.

Want my body back.

Is 6 wks really when things get better or just an average number ?

Yes I follow up with all my docs so plz refrain from go to the doctor posts, it’s very annoying and not helpful.

I love at the nicu with our baby and I see docs weekly.