

need advice? I just got back from my mothers house. Well I spent a week there. I took her to the store because right now she doesn’t have a vehicle. Well her and my boyfriend doesn’t get along. Well he just got off work and wanted to go home and sleep. Well she thinks I need to drop whatever I’m doing right then and take her place. Then I get stuck in the middle of them both and feel like I have to pick sides. Then my mother uses I never do anything for her and I’m a bitch and a horrible person. Then everyone else in my family says I give into her and do to much. Then are made because I pick his family I just don’t know what to do anymore and I’m over it all. I have taken her to the store 4 days before this but wouldn’t take my calls to make sure I got everything. Because he was with her drug friends. I feel like I’ve done something wrong. Have it?