I got caught being disloyal by the teacher...

My senior year of high school, I was in a choir class. My boyfriend was a few months older so he had graduated and was away at boot camp and trainings that whole year, which was kinda lonely. There was this pretty cute exchange student in the class and I could tell he was sorta into me. He was also the only person in my grade who didn’t know I had a boyfriend. One day when class ended I stayed behind to put away music stands with exchange boy... He started flirting with me and I flirted back. (Nothing super blatant, just the high school-ish joking around) I was pretty oblivious to the fact that the music teacher was still working on the piano in the room. My boyfriend had been in band with this teacher for all of HS and had a close relationship with him to where he was like a Father figure. The teacher realized we were being flirtatious and loudly says to me, “How’s [boyfriend’s name] doing in boot camp? Congrats on your engagement by the way!” In a positively passive-aggressive tone. My stomach immediately dropped and I’d realized what I had done... I don’t think I’ve ever been so called out in my life. I tried to answer as casually as possible and quickly grabbed my things and left. I ended up entirely avoiding the boy the rest of the trimester and telling my [now husband] about it after he finished boot camp. I’ve always felt so awful about it and I cringe every time I remember. It definitely was a wake-up call to never act like that again.