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Alright, I have the iud but my bf and I do have unprotected sex, I had a pregnancy scare last month, but it was nothing, but some symptoms are coming up now. First, I had very light spotting 4 days before I was supposed to start my period, but that only lasted a day, then I missed my period, and I’m 6 days late, I know the iud can do that, but hear me out on the other things, I got SO bloated the other day after I ate, but it didn’t go down until the next day, and I still was quite bloated, the next night, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling more nauseous than I’ve ever felt, but I didn’t let myself throw up (I have a phobia). I’ve also been constipated, for about a week, I’ve urinated like over 20 times today alone, and now I have a fever and I’m feeling a little bit sick, does this sound like early pregnancy? The symptoms aren’t just in my head, they’re extreme and I didn’t put them all together until just now. Let me know if I should be concerned please. I’m also 15 DPO