It’s not the same

Morning sickness does not = HG... I hate when people compare the 2 because there is no way you can chew gum, and not end up in the hospital for IV Fluids with HG. I understand people want to relate, but just be thankful you don’t have to go through it, and be there for your friend that is... throwing up a few times in your first trimester is different then being on cancer medication, not being able to hold down water, and basically sleeping or trying to for your first trimester and some...

Miscarriage and Stillborn are 2 different things with 2 different pains. Similar to losing a child to a horrific accident. I am not minimizing pain here, but when I had a stillbirth, everyone would tell me about their 4 week miscarriage or their 7 week miscarriage, as if again to relate. But you can’t, cause those 2 pains are different. 1 is private (or can be) and is the loss of hope, which believe me, I know this pain as well. The other is delivering a baby with NO sound. Knowing that your body has just gone through labour and your producing milk for a baby you can’t hold. You have to chose to cremate or bury your baby. You have to name it for the birth certificate, you know the gender. It’s vastly different. I would never tell our friends who lost their 4 yr old toddler in a traffic accident that I know their pain, because I don’t. I just ask them what can I do to help, and if they need anything, I am here, and that I am so sorry for their Loss...

Basically, we don’t have to “relate” to everyone. Sharing our battle wounds, doesnt always work in the way we would like it to... just be mindful...