Party to Celebrate Moving Up In Rank?

Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
-- All of my friends are either some form of Christian or athiest/agnostic. They all seem pretty enthusiastic about their own beliefs, but usually treat my religion as a fake thing I'm doing as some sort of teenage rebellion act (even though I'm 25, turning 26). 
-- I'm going to become a first degree priestess in February and I'm VERY excited! I'd love to be able to celebrate with my friends that evening, or sometime around then, but I don't think any of them would be really excited about my excitement. And part of me thinks they'd just mock my beliefs here and there anyways. 
-- But I'd really like to celebrate this! For any of you in the clergy, did you celebrate every time you moved up in rank? What did you do? Should I even attempt to put a party together with my friends? Or should I just plan on spending the day alone with my teacher?