Autumn • mama to one little boy 10.09.2017 and one little girl 12.7.2020

I am posting this in hopes of spreading awareness to others so you don’t experience the same devastation I did.

One morning I took an easy@home pregnancy test. Had it sitting on the bathroom counter as I was getting ready. Within 2 minutes this line shows up. I am stunned. Shook. Completely floored! So I take another one with different urine. Same thing! So I take another. Same thing!

3 positive tests. Not squinters. Not Evaps. POSITIVE GIRLS.

See below

So me being so happy about finally being pregnant again I call my dr and schedule bloods for that same day.

I get my blood drawn. Still so happy. Told my hubby. Just gleaming. Dr calls me the next day and my bloods were negative.

It was NOT a chemical pregnancy. My bloods couldn’t have dropped that quickly in the same day. It was absolutely a false positive.

Later on in my cycle once I had started my period I decided to take an extra strip I had laying around just to see. Another damn positive.

These tests are horrible and I know how much pain I felt being let down like that. Make sure you verify with another brand before getting excited ladies.

Baby dust for all 🌟