Advice about mil


So the house we live in is in my husbands name but when my husband got this place he said it was also hers. So when I came into the picture and we got married naturally it became mine also. Also to add my mother in laws two kids live with her and us also. So the oldest which is 13 is the most self centered person ever. She will not do a thing to help anyone. She will not pick up after herself. She will only help on chores if I make her do it. The youngest is 5 and he drops more food on the floor and wont clean it up or anything and he won't hold over the table either while eating so it goes every where no matter what he is eating which now we have ants in the house i am assume because of that since it is the only place I have seen the ants so far. He also will not pick up his toys or listen at all which I know most 5 year olds won't but my mother in law doesnt even try to make him listen. On to my mil she literally will not sweep, mop or vacuum because she claims her health issues prevent her from doing those things but yet she can go shopping or any where she wants to go. She is slightly a hoarder as far as she keeps stuff junked up and piled up because she is sentimental to everything and i do mean everything. She will not clean her bathroom and like i can literally clean the kitchen right after everyone has ate and her or one of the kids will go in there and mess it right up again and will not clean up after themselves. I mean they will cook something and spill it all down the eye of the stove and leave it. They will not empty the trash can. They will not wash any dishes unless i make the 13 year old. They will literally drop food on the floor or crumbs or whatever and just leave it which I am also assuming will make the ants worse. I literally clean the house all the time because ill admit i am kinda ocd about a clean house. I like my house clean. I understand kids will make messes but what bothers me is none of them help clean unless forced and my mil will not make them help at all. I have tried talking to her about it and I literally get no where. My husband has tried talking to her about it and gets no where. I would love to move out and get our own place but I can not financially. Like i said above i understand kids will make messes but it makes it extremely hard when they arent your kids and you have no say over them. Since I pay the internet which is the only way any of their devices work including the tv do i just set the wifi code different for every day and the get the code when the house work is done or what? Does anyone have any idea on what i can do differently? Trust me i am trying to save up to move out but isn't working well and i am literally going crazy with them. Ps. To add my husband does help me when i ask.